What does Spirituality mean to you?
Do you have a spiritual practice in your Life? Perhaps you are still in the 'Spiritual Closet'?
I want to be super clear up front here. Spirituality for me is not associated with any particular religion but rather is a thread that runs through them all.
I used to feel that unless I found a religion that I could fully believe in, then I wasn't able to be a "Spiritual" person.
So what is Spirituality for those of us that shy away from organised religion (myself included), where what feels true for us doesn't fit with any of the models out there.
For me, this quote from Brene Brown sums it up perfectly.
“Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives.” - Brene brown
I am a big believer that whatever the 'power greater than all of us' means to you and what you personally prefer to call it, that it resides within each and every being on the planet. That it lies within you.
Do you have a practice to connect you within? To your highest self, your inner light, your inner calm and place of peace?
The heart of Simply Soulful teachings is that incorporating regular Spiritual connection into your life doesn't need to be difficult or a huge time commitment. ⠀
Here are 5 powerful, yet super simple ways to connect to your peaceful place within.
The first way is to go outside!
I want your skin touching Mother Nature. Get your bare feet on the ground & really feel it! ⠀
If it happens to be freezing where you are, get creative. How can you connect your bare skin, to the Earth? ⠀Or perhaps save this suggestion for the warmer months.
Spend a few minutes being really aware of the connection between your skin & the Earth. ⠀
There is a science around this practice of Earthing, and how the Earth's energy fuels us, but you don't need all the details - just FEEL it.
Can you feel a connection with the Earth?
Look Up
Stare at the sky! Isn't it magnificent. What do you like best about it today? Take some time to notice.⠀
Lie on your back & look for shapes & pictures in the clouds. It's even more fun with a friend or with kids.
Spending time like this helps us to be present, just to be with exactly what is happening around us.⠀
Can you feel a connection to the sky? ⠀
Find a tree, flower, plant, it can even be a rock - that you think is beautiful. It moves you in some way - the colour, shape, texture. There is something you like about it.⠀
I want you to look at it, really, really look at it. Admire it, and just enjoy its beauty. How long can you sit there with it? 1 minute? 5 minutes?⠀
Sit with it, together and see how it feels. If it's not too 'woo-woo' you can even talk to it.
Can you feel a connection with nature?⠀
Our world is full of cycles. ⠀
The daily cycle of the sun, the moon cycle, seasonal cycles.⠀
Take a moment today to notice one of these cycles - go outside & look at the moon. Find out what time is the sun sets & make the time to watch it.⠀
What season is it where you are? Notice something that reminds you - are there buds & flowers everywhere or are you enjoying the sound of dry leaves under your feet.⠀
Feeling connected to the cycles around us is another way to embrace presence. Noticing that you are here, now.
Can you feel a connection with the Earth's cycles?
So far I've suggested ways outside of yourself as possible 'keys' to finding the place of peace that exists within you. To discovering that connection Brene's Spirituality quote refers to.⠀
Breathe and take your awareness within. Spend time with yourself.⠀
There is no need for lengthy meditations, all you need to do is choose to be consciously aware of something you are already doing all day, every day.⠀
Close your eyes.⠀
Imagine you are dropping into your body. ⠀
Notice your breath, no need to change or control it - just be aware of it.⠀
How is it moving, is it fast/slow? ⠀
What parts of your body move as you breathe?⠀
Where can you feel the air? Inside your nostrils? Or as the air blows back out? Is the air warm or cold?⠀
Just spend a few moments noticing the miracle that is your breath.⠀
With every breath we connect to the world around us.
Were you able to feel a connection?
Regular connection allows more presence to fill our lives. More space where we can truly be in the moment, rather than lost in our thoughts.
Thoughts can be destructive, often having us worrying or anxious about things that haven't actually happened, or replaying scenarios that were in the past. They take us out of the moment and often trigger our fight or flight response.
Committing to a daily practice of connection begins to form new habit, one that will benefit you in so many ways.
Which suggestion worked best for you?
How can you incorporate just 5 minutes to connect each day?
As well as guiding you to know yourselves on a deeper level, discovering what makes your heart sing and your soul radiate, regular connection can give you an inner sense of peace, such a valuable thing to have in this busy modern world.
Step off the treadmill, and gift yourself the time and space to see the beauty and joy that you already have in your life.
Sending you so much love,
Jo is a Spirituality & Mindset Coach with a passion for making spirituality accessible and inner peace possible in our busy, modern world.
Jo empowers her clients to embrace their spiritual journey by taking simple, powerful actions.
She supports them to deeply know themselves, trust their wisdom, live their truth and love their lives.
Simply Soulful
x Jo Gillard