Hi lovely,
I'm Jo
So, here you are.
You have discovered my tiny corner of the vast internet.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and go within. Drop into your body, ask yourself: “Why am I here?”
Whatever questions, longings, whispers have called you here, I am grateful you’ve arrived. May you find what you seek.

I’ve often felt like an outsider, not quite fitting in. I am unwilling to agree with convention if it doesn’t feel right, often struggling to express why. I haven’t found an intuitive “knowing” very easy to explain.
I grew up with access to my psychologist Mum’s ever-expanding library of self-help books. These opened my mind to ideas that weren’t taught at school. I devoured so many of these books, but it was a novel called The Celestine Prophecy that really drew me in (and I still have on my shelf today!) It speaks of being guided by synchronicities, seeing energy fields and raising our vibrations. For me this book was not fiction – I had a deep inner knowing there was truth in these ideas and I wanted to know more. I wanted it to be real, but back then I didn’t find the right teacher.
I did know what I didn’t want to do – including all the mainstream careers I was aware of – but I didn’t know what I did want to do. Unable to decide for myself, I followed my cousin into a Commerce degree. Even though I knew this wasn’t my road, without an alternative I qualified as a Chartered Accountant. It was at work I met my future husband, a Brit, who led me to London-town.
A new pathway opens
The Celestine Prophecy described a pathway looking brighter as guidance to take that road, and as I walked London’s streets, many would radiate and light up. I knew I was in the right place, but my corporate career was so uninspiring.
I knew there was something else for me and in time, synchronicity led me to a beautiful healing modality called Craniosacral Therapy. I signed up and completed my training with the College of Craniosacral Therapy in London.
The training was so therapeutic and I began to reconnect to something deep within. Tuning in to subtle energies in clients as well as connecting to deep Universal tides opened me up to the mysterious, unseen world.
This time it was real, I could feel the energy with my own hands. I shifted from intellectual belief to embodied experience, we are all energy and all connected. I had found a new path and felt deeply aligned.
but then I lost it...
My first child was born just after I graduated and years flew by. I was lost again, this time in motherhood. By the time our second child arrived, London had lost its shine. Missing my family and homeland terribly, I dragged my highly ambitious corporate husband back to ‘small’ Australia.
Arriving in my hometown of Melbourne, I had everything I “thought” I wanted, but was still so far from feeling the ease and happiness I craved.
I was a stay-at-home mum and yet felt exhausted and overwhelmed. How could I find enough energy for my kids, my husband, myself, and my clients?
Frustration and resentment built to stress and anxiety, and too often I became a ‘screaming banshee’ mama. This was not the positive parenting mother I wanted to be!
Every day felt the same, going through the motions, simply existing – and not happily. I asked myself: is this it? Is this my life? The years loomed ahead and all looked the same… I wanted more, I knew I was here for more than full-time motherhood, but how?

The Universe provided and the teachers came
I had many guiding lights that appeared in the next stage of my journey, and I am very grateful for these. During this stage, I certified as a Life Coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy (BYCA). This was an incredible experience and helped me find the confidence to put myself out there, as well as guiding me to build a business I am passionate about that allows me to live life on my own terms. In parallel, I completed Belinda Davidson’s The School of the Modern Mystic, which deepened my knowledge of chakras and mindfulness, and facilitated so much personal healing and growth. It allowed me to get my own energy sorted, so that I had ‘enough’ for my clients.
This was only the beginning, the very tip of the iceberg of trainings and experiences I’ve completed since then, but it really felt like a turning point that allowed my experience of life to shift.
The discovery of who I am and what I am here to offer the world continues to evolve into a deeper and deeper place. The pull of my husband’s career aspirations has meant we have moved many times since then, often uncomfortably shaking the ground each time.
And with each step, each change I discovered more of myself, more inner strength and more capacity to trust my truth.
I feel so grateful to have found work where I can help others shed the layers that are hiding the truth of who they are, and help them step in and stand up - in the full expression of all that they are.
I believe it is one of the most courageous things we all can do - doing the work to be Radically ourselves.
So we can lead from the heart, and begin standing up for what REALLY matters - for ourselves, our loved ones and the world we want to see.
Certified Quantum Human DesignTransformational Coach
Certified Love, Sex & Relationship Coach (VITA Coaching)
Certified Life Coach (MindValley 2022)
Certified Life Coach (Beautiful You Coaching Academy 2015)
Craniosacral Therapist (CCST College CranioSacral Therapists 2009)
Chartered Accountant (ICAA 2003)
Song & Chant Leader Training with Heather Houston
Sister Circle Training (Circle Initiation) with Global Sisterhood
Embodied Solidarity with Therese Cator
Goddess Voice Academy Programs with Dominque Oyston
Chakra Journey & Luminary with Marni Su Reynolds
Remembering Lemuria, Rising Lemuria & Lemurian Leadership with Rakaiel Webb
Akashic Records Reading L1-3 with Joanna Turner
School of the Modern Mystic with Belinda Davidson
Book a Free Discovery Call
I would love to connect and hear about your desires.
This conversation allows us to feel if we are a good energetic match, and for you to ask any questions you have.
If you are ready to STAND UP, make a loving commitment to your future self, and take some aligned action, book in a call now.
I look forward to meeting you.
I believe...
Major global energetic shifts are happening.
More light is filtering in and we are seeing that brighter light illuminates darker shadows.
We can all be filled with light; and by radiating and illuminating we become facilitators of change in the world.
It starts with individuals, each of us a tiny ripple in a giant ocean – but ripples spread…
Finding and connecting to our own true and unique presence doesn’t need to feel like 'something else I have to do'; instead it shows us a new way to be, a new way to live.
We CAN create deep, meaningful change – and keep it simple.